Businesses and their agents can now make e-payment to Department of Customs (DoC) using various payment channel of NCHL or that of the banks or wallets. DoC system “ASYCUDA” has been integrated with NCHL System such that the payment related to the DoC can be made from any of the specified channels, namely connectIPS, CORPORATEPAY and through NCHL Bank Central available at bank branches. And upon successful processing of the payment, the details are automatically posted to ASYCUDA.
Pre Requisite for making the payment:
The normal process related to DoC for customs clearance and updating their requirement in ASYCUDA have to be completed, after which the following mandatory information generated from ASYCUDA system are required for initiating e-payment.
- Custom Office (Drop Down List): Customs Office to which payments has to be made.
- Registration Year: Generated from ASYCUDA system
- Registration Serial (Drop Down List): M or X (M Stands from Import & X for export)
- Registration Number: Generated from ASYCUDA System on behalf of which payment is to be made.
Systems available for e-payment to DoC
- connectIPS e-Payment System: connectIPS e-Payment is a single digital platform for the BFI customers to initiate their payments directly from their bank accounts. A user needs to enroll within connectIPS, link its bank account and verify the linked account from its bank, as a one-time process. Currently, it is available in web version, and Mobile App. Multiple bank accounts can be linked to a single connectIPS user.
Per transaction limit per bank account is Rs. 20 Lakhs from the web portal and up to Rs. 2 Lakhs from Mobile App, corresponding to which daily transaction limit for bank account is as per NRB rules. Refer for more details or
CORPORATEPAY: CORPORATEPAY system is a business payments platform that allows the corporate and business customers of the BFIs for initiating digital payments from their accounts. It allows the business customers to process real time payments through underlying systems of connectIPS and non-real time bulk payments through NCHL-IPS system, with multi-user controls required for such business transactions.
Companies enrolled in CORPORATEPAY through their banks can pay up to Rs. 30 Crore per transaction using NCHL-IPS available in the system for non-real time transaction on defer credit basis and up to Rs. 20 Lakhs per transaction using connectIPS for real time credit. Limits per day and per months is pas per the policy off the respective bank. Refer for more details
- NCHL Bank Central (Branch Assisted Module): Bank Central Module is a unified portal that is accessible to NCHL member banks and financial institutions, that is designed to cater their customers’ payments as a branch assisted platform, such that transactions can be initiated by the bank branch staffs on behalf of their customers (based on their request and not having access to any of the digital channels). NCHL Bank Central Module also allows payments like fund transfer, Government revenue, Social Security Fund (SSF) and Others, besides payments to DoC.
Bank can pay up to Rs. 30 Crore per transaction using NCHL-IPS available in the bank central for non-real time transaction and up to Rs. 20 Lakhs per transaction using connectIPS for real time credit.
(Note: Please contact your banks & financial institutions for payment initiations from Bank Central)
How to initiate e-payments of DoC using connectIPS?
- Login into using your Username and Password. Alternatively, you may use its mobile App.
(If you do not have a valid user, then click on Signup for new connectIPS user registration, linking bank account and complete the process)
- From Dashboard, Click on Government of Nepal > Government of Nepal > Department of Customs
- Select Sender Details which will be the your (Debtor) bank account from which payment is to be made. Fill the necessary details for DoC payment – In the Beneficiary Details select Custom Office (From Drop down list), Registration Year, Registration Serial and Registration Number generated from ASYCUDA system (as illustrated in the above form). Then Click on Make payment.
- connectIPS will validate entered information and upon confirmation from ASYCUDA system, it will redirect to the Transaction Details with Transaction Amount to be paid.
- You need to re-confirm the details in the next page and then Click on Make Payments to process the transaction. Enter Transaction password / OTP to complete the payment.
- Receive the payment confirmation reports and approach the concerned custom office for further processing.
How to initiate e-payments of DoC using CORPORATEPAY?
- Initiator / Maker user will have to Log-In to CORPORATEPAY from using Username, Password and Corporate Code provided by bank after user creation.
(If you do not have access or new to the system, contact your respective bank/financial institution for user creation in CORPORATEPAY.
- Select the debtor bank (from which the payment is to be initiated) and Login with Bank Login details.
- At the Bank Dashboard, Select NCHL-IPS (for non-real time and high value) or connectIPS (for low value and real time).
- Select and Click on Service Payments > Government Payment > Department of Customs
- Fill Debit information – Select Sender Details which will be the your (Debtor) bank account from which payment is to be made.
- Fill Credit Information including necessary details for DoC payment – Custom Office (From Drop down list), Registration Year, Registration Serial and Registration Number generated from ASYCUDA system (as illustrated in the above form).
- Click on Initiate, which will redirect to the re-confirmation page with transaction amount to be paid. Click on Confirm to complete the transaction from Initiator / Maker User.
- Checker / Approver User of CORPORATEPAY can then log-in using his/her own Log-in credentials in order to approve the payment.
- To Download Payment Advice report, Click on Dashboard and then upon Bank Login, Go to Reports > Transactions Query > Select Payment System > Show Filter and select transactions and Export.
How to make payments using NCHL – Bank Central?
- Contact a nearest branch of your BFI along with the mandatory information generated from ASYCUDA system (as illustrated in the above form) including Custom Office, Registration Year, Registration Serial and Registration Number requesting the branch to initiate online payment to DoC.
- Based on the customer request and authorization, Bank staff will be able to make necessary payment using Bank Central on the customer behalf.